
Monday, May 28, 2012

Foetal Development (Weeks 4-8)

Pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, and throughout this course most mothers would be curious about what is actually going on and how the baby develops. This is a time to get rid of our bad habits like smoking, drinking, drugs, as they would affect the baby’s development. It is rather a time to embrace more positive lifestyle in order to enhance the overall health of the baby and mother.
Here is a guide to the weekly development and the changes that we would possibly be going through at each stage

Week 4
  • What is happening to the baby:
    implantation occurs
What is happening to you:
  • You might experience slight bleeding (implantation bleeding or spotting) at this time. It is not as heavy as the normal period and is pink or brown in colour.
  • It may be accompanied by cramping.
Week 5:
What is happening to the baby:
  • Your baby is now an embryo (and is probably the size of an apple seed).
  • made up of two layers of cells from which the organs and body parts develop
  • This is a time of rapid growth and development.
What is happening to you:
  • Your breasts might become swollen and tender to the touch.
  • The skin around your nipple (areola) may darken.
  • Your appetite may increase
  • There could be nausea and vomiting
  • Cravings for food might develop
  • You might suddenly dislike foods you normally like
  • There might be increased urge to urinate
Week 6

What is happening to your baby:

  • The heart starts beating
What is happening to you:

  • You might become irritable
Week 7 

What is happening to your baby:
  • The embryo makes its first movements around this stage but you might not feel it!
What is happening to you:
  • Same as in week 6
Week 8

What is happening to your baby:

  • Your baby is probably the size of a kidney bean
  • Organs and body parts are still developing
What is happening to you:

  • Your physical appearance starts changing
  • Your waistline starts expanding.
  • You may have an outbreak of pimples or other skin problems


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