
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Art Of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is one of the most satisfying aspects of motherhood, however mastering the art can be very difficult especially for new moms and might even take a couple of weeks to do so. This should not be a cause of worry because you are not alone. Apart from the joy it brings to mothers, there are a lot of benefits that could be derived from breastfeeding. Some of them include:

          Breast milk is the most ideal food for your newborn as it contains the essential nutrients they need and in the right amount.
          Protects babies against diseases
          Promotes bonding
          Helps mother loose weight quickly
          It is more convenient and less expensive than baby formula as it is always readily available and does not require reconstitution.
          Encourages father/baby bonding: am sure a lot of us will be wondering how. By simply sitting close to the wife as she breastfeeds gives the father a chance to touch and talk to the baby and by this the child gets to recognise his dad’s touch and voice faster.

Here are some tips to get you started in the right way:
          Try to place baby at the breast as soon as possible after birth. However, a baby that is only a few minutes old will naturally crawl up to the breast from the mother’s abdomen and start feeding by itself.
          Ensure you are shown how to properly latch your baby to your breast by a midwife or doctor as this is the key to successful breastfeeding
          Position yourself comfortably with back support, pillows supporting your arms.
          Position baby close to you, with his hips flexed, so that he does not have to turn his head to reach your breast. His mouth and nose should be facing your nipple.
          Support your breast so it is not pressing on your baby's chin. Your four fingers should be under the breast with the thumb above
          If you are experiencing pains when the baby has latched on the breast, gently remove his mouth and try again
          It is very important to bring the baby to your nipple height. Leaning over your baby can cause backaches, neck and shoulder strain, or sore nipples
          Ensure your breast is not pressing on his nose as it’ll be chocking and uncomfortable for him
          Feed baby on demand as he’ll be more satisfied this way

Remember, do not be shy to ask for guidance from a professional if you are not so sure you are getting it right.

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