Experts say building
relationships and emphasizing strong connections with family, schools and the
community are key strategies to protect against teen depression and
suicide. The connections are essential as a new paper reports that depression
and suicide are “intricately intertwined among teens.”
Researchers say
untreated depression is one of the leading causes of teen suicide, and signs of
depression can also be a warning that a teen is contemplating suicide. In a new
article in the journal The Prevention Researcher, University of
Cincinnati researchers describe how positive connections can help offset these
UC researchers Drs.
Keith King, a professor of health promotion, and Rebecca Vidourek, an assistant
professor of health promotion, discuss the link between teen depression and
suicide by reviewing three specific categories that are warning signs:
Behavioral warning
signs – Traits that teens may display when contemplating suicide include
difficulty sleeping or excessive sleeping; changes in school performance; loss
of interest in once pleasurable activities; giving away cherished possessions;
expressing thoughts of death or suicide;
Verbal warning signs
– Verbal statements include, “I want to die;” “I don’t want to be a burden
anymore; “My family would be better off without me”;
Stressful life events
– A traumatic event for the teen, such as a breakup, parental divorce or loss
of a loved one.
King and Vidourek
also focus on national research that finds that gay, lesbian, bisexual or
transgendered teenagers are at an elevated risk for depression and suicide.
These risk factors could reflect a lack of support systems and social
acceptance, as well as greater isolation among peers for these groups.
The UC researchers
say building strong connections with family, schools and the community are key
to protection against depression and teen suicide. “Research clearly indicates
family connectedness helps to prevent teen suicide, even if teens are socially
isolated from peers,” write the authors. They add that because teens spend such
a large amount of time in school, schools should adopt prevention and
intervention programs that include education, early detection and follow up
programs to address teen depression and suicide. “As research indicates, the
key component to effective depression/suicide prevention is the development of
positive social and emotional connections among teens and supportive adults,”
the authors conclude in the article. “Thus, getting teens positively connected
to positive people and positive situations should remain the goal.”
Source: Psych Central
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