Unprovoked: Angela Gray, 44, was left permanently scarred in the unprovoked attack by 20-year-old Jade Daniels
A charity fund-raiser who was brutally smashed in the face with a brick has hit out at the justice system as her attacker walked free from court. Angela Gray, 44, was left permanently scarred in the unprovoked attack by 20-year-old Jade Daniels. Daniels, who has a string of previous convictions, initially pleaded guilty to wounding with intent after she slammed a brick into Mrs Gray's face.
But after Daniels was diagnosed with ‘high-functioning autism’ the
charge was downgraded to the less serious offence of unlawfully causing
grievous bodily harm. Now Mrs Gray, from Urmston, says she feels she has been
attacked twice - ‘once by her, and once by the judicial system’. Mrs Gray was attacked while she was walking with her daughter Danielle,
28, in woodland near Dutton’s Pond in Flixton, in March last year.
Daniels, of Arundel Avenue, Urmston, ‘slammed’ a brick into Mrs Gray’s
face, breaking her nose and wrist, and splitting her lip leaving her with a
permanent scar. But as she had already been in custody for around 15 months -
longer than the statutory prison sentence for the assault - she was released
following a hearing at Minshull Street Crown Court. Speaking after the hearing,
Mrs Gray said the ordeal had been made worse by having to wait 18 months for
her attacker to be sentenced.
She said: 'It feels like you get attacked twice - once by her, and once
by the judicial system. She has walked away from court but I will never be able
to walk away from what happened. Never. I don’t feel safe knowing she’s out
there and I don’t think anyone else should.' Reliving the attack, Mrs Gray
said: 'We ran up a hill and saw that a large bush had been set on fire, and
there was a girl and a boy just looking at it. The boy ran away but the girl
just stood there and watched us trying to put it out. We managed to stamp it
out and we called the fire brigade to let them know. There were matches on the
floor so I picked them up. She started shouting at me to give them back. She
followed us and at first we just ignored her. She picked up a brick and I
told her not to be ridiculous and to put it down. She ran at me like a child
would, as if to scare me, but I stood my ground. I turned away and I heard her
coming at me again. As I turned back she hit me full in the face and knocked me
off my feet.' Daniels was arrested after Mrs Gray and her husband later spotted
her at a bus stop and called the police.

Scarred and scared: The mother (pictured left) suffered permanent nerve damage to her face, and has had a number of operations since the attack. Right, her attacker Jade Daniels walks free from court
Daniels, who has convictions for harassment and criminal damage, had
been released after attacking Mrs Gray, but was taken into custody for breach
of bail conditions. Just weeks after the attack she carried out a campaign of
harassment against a pensioner that included sending 13 takeaways to his home
in one night. Mrs Gray, 44, who is fundraising manager at Beechwood Cancer Care
in Stockport, also suffered permanent nerve damage to her face, and has had a
number of operations. Judge Peter Lakin said it was clear Daniels’ autism was
the ‘driving force’ behind the offence.
He said: 'I must ensure as far as I can that no one else is subjected by
you to the type of offence that Mrs Gray has suffered. This attack has had both
a physical and psychological impact on Mrs Gray, and I suspect that she will
live with the memory of what happened for the rest of her life.' He ordered
that Daniels be made the subject of a three-year community order. The judge
also ordered probation to provide him with regular reports on Daniels’
progress, and imposed an order preventing her from contacting Mrs Gray or her
daughter. He warned Daniels she would be jailed without hesitation if she breached
the order or failed to co-operate with treatment.
Source: Daily Mail UK
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