Fun and clean in the same title? You bet! With most kids
life is all fun and games anyway, so why not use that energy to have them help
you around the house? Kids want to do the things that they perceive as
fun, and if you make it look like fun they are going to be much more interested
in helping than if you make it look like work. Try these simple ideas to make
cleaning fun.
Sing a clean-up
song. There are actual clean-up songs that you can find on the Internet that
come complete with music, but you can also make up your own song. Here’s
an easy one to sing: “Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up,
clean up, everybody do your share.” Kids typically love repetition, so feel
free to keep singing the same song over and over until the task is done.
Make it a
game. The game will change depending on what it is that you are cleaning, but
an example could be seeing how many blocks can you put into the box. Tell
her that you both can count them as the blocks are being picked up.
Another one is to see how fast she can pick up her dollies and put them
away. Give her a basket and have her run around the house and pick up all
of her stuff and bring it back to her room while you time her.
Set a
timer. Almost everything is more fun when a timer is set, and
a timer means that there’s an end to the task. Tell everyone that you are
turning the timer on for 15 minutes and they need to see if they can get
everything picked up in that amount of time. Make sure that everyone
knows what your expectations are so that they know what to do and aren’t
wasting valuable time running to you to find out what they should be doing.
Give a
reward. If you have more than one kid you can offer a reward
to the kid that did the best job or finished the most cleaning related
tasks. Or better yet, you can give a reward to all the kids if they got
everything accomplished without complaining and did a good job. It
doesn’t have to be a competition, unless that is what works well in your
family. Some people thrive on competition, whereas others are completely
turned off by it.
stickers. Create a chore chart and let the kids put a sticker in
the box when they have completed it. This will give them a sense of
accomplishment and most kids love stickers.
Keep cleaning
time short. To keep cleaning fun it has to be completed in a short
amount of time. The fun will wear off if you keep them cleaning too
long. Teaching them to clean up as they go will make sure that they don’t
create such a huge mess that it will take a long time to clean it up.
Crank up the
tunes. Most kids love to dance around and sing, so if you
crank up the tunes everyone can sing while they work. Play the Disney
song, A Happy Working Song while you are working to encourage the kids
to get into it.
Money hunt. Hide a
few quarters or dollar bills in certain places that the kids typically miss
cleaning. Let the kids know that they might find some money if they do a
thorough job cleaning. This may or may not work for the little ones
because they may not really care about money yet.
Use pint sized
tools. Often, cleaning tools like brooms or mops are not really
comfortable for kids to use because they’re too big. Get the kids their
own pint-sized cleaning tools, or try to customize your own. On some
Swiffers you can pull out the middle section and make the handle shorter.
Kids will probably be swiffering so much you will run out of swiffers, but at
least your floor should be clean!
Pretend to be a
maid. Have everyone pretend to be part of a cleaning crew that has come
in to clean this house. Put handkerchiefs on everyone’s head and give
them gloves. Take on a funny accent and say funny things like, “Wow, the
kids that live here sure are messy!” or “Peeeeeee-You! These kids have stinky
Doing something out of the ordinary is often all it takes to make
cleaning fun and not such a chore. The most important thing to remember
is that they are still kids and their cleaning isn’t going to be perfect, but
any help you can get will be that much less you have to do. Teaching them the
importance of cleaning while they’re young also means that you will have given
them useful life skills that they’ll continue to utilize as they get older.
Source: House Keeping
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