Few words strike fear in a parent’s heart like “fire.” There are many
different ways for children to inadvertently start or be injured in a fire, and
the potential for destruction is so great that the mere mention of fire can set
off a panic among parents. Here are 10 of the most common dangers of fire in
relation to children.
Matches and Lighters – Most children have a natural
curiosity about fire that is paired with a limited understanding of the dangers
that are typically associated with it. Access to matches or lighters can
present a very real fire hazard as that curiosity takes hold.
Attempts at Cooking – Many appliances and gadgets in
the kitchen produce heat; from the stove to the toaster, there are several
opportunities for a child to accidentally set a kitchen fire in their attempts
to cook.
Burning Candles and Horseplay – Kids,
especially when there are more than one in the room, have a tendency to
spontaneously burst into spirited play. However, rough-housing in a room with a
lit candle can lead to serious problems. Should the candle be knocked to the
floor or a flammable object fall into its wick, a small fire can quickly become
a large blaze.
Campfires – Camping is a part of childhood for many, and
sitting around campfires is a cherished part of the experience. When proper
caution is exercised, the potential for a devastating fire injury is reduced;
be sure that kids have a good knowledge of campfire safety before sending them
off into the great outdoors.
Unattended Fireplaces – There are
few things as homey as a crackling fireplace on a cold day, but leaving the
fire unattended in a house with children can easily lead to injury and property
damage. Curious kids might be tempted to throw things into the fire or engage
in other unsafe behavior in the absence of an adult.
Hairstyling Appliances – Older kids
that are beginning to use heated hairstyling appliances like curling irons and
straighteners can create a fire hazard by placing the appliance on a flammable
surface or forgetting to unplug it when they’re finished.
Lamps – When messy kids throw clothing over a lamp, or
those with a penchant for decorating deliberately place scarves over
lampshades, they are inadvertently creating a fire hazard in their own
Overloading Electrical Outlets – As more and
more of the modern child’s entertainment comes from electronic gaming and
computer devices, there may not be enough outlets in the room to accommodate
everything. This can cause kids to overload outlets with surge protectors and
the like, which can pose a serious fire risk.
Flammable Substances – The moment that a kid
understands what flammable liquid is and the noticeable effect it has on an
already-burning fire, curiosity can take hold and lead to very serious trouble.
Educating kids about the dangers and repercussions of playing with fire is the
best way to prevent this risky behavior.
Smoking – Despite the many programs aimed at keeping kids
away from smoking, there will always be a few that insist on sneaking cigarettes.
The need for secrecy paired with a limited understanding of fire safety make
cigarette-related fires among the most common.
Kids are never too young to start learning about fire safety and
prevention; this ongoing lesson could be one that saves their life.
Additionally, if you have concerns that your child has an unhealthy fixation or
obsession with fire, there are programs through your local fire department that
can point you in the right direction to get help.
Source: Babysitters
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