A growing body of research has associated sleepiness with overeating, which
can in turn lead to weight gain and increased risks of diabetes. Part of the
problem is that lack of adequate sleep throws the body’s circadian rhythm and metabolic
systems out of whack. Now two small new studies, both presented at the SLEEP
2012 conference in Boston, shed further light on the sleep-weight connection:
the first study by researchers at Columbia University finds that sleep
deprivation affects the way the brain responds to reward — namely junk food.
The second study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley,
finds that sleepiness also appears to hinder the brain’s higher-order functions
— like complex decision-making — making sleepy people less able to forgo that
middle-of-the-night burger and fries.
In the Columbia study, researchers gave 25 healthy men and women brain
scans after five consecutive nights of either adequate sleep (up to 9 hours
each night) or sleep deprivation (4 hours a night). The participants had their
brains scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while they
looked at photos of healthy or unhealthy foods.
Researchers found that in brain networks associated with reward were
more active in the sleepy people — more so when they looked at pictures of
junky foods like pizza and cake than when they were shown healthy foods like
fruits, veggies or oatmeal.
“The results suggest that, under restricted sleep, individuals will find
unhealthy foods highly salient and rewarding, which may lead to greater
consumption of those foods,” said lead study author Dr. Marie-Pierre St-Onge in
a statement. “Indeed, food intake data from this same study showed that
participants ate more overall and consumed more fat after a period of sleep
restriction compared to regular sleep. The brain imaging data provided the
neurocognitive basis for those results.” The researchers theorize that when
people don’t get enough sleep, their bodies may naturally seek high-calorie
foods to help them make it through the day.
In the second study, which was similar to the Columbia study,
researchers at Berkeley’s Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory used fMRI to gauge
brain activity in 23 healthy adults while they rated how much they wanted
various food items shown to them during the scan. Participants were scanned
twice, once after a normal night’s sleep and also after a night of total sleep
deprivation — zero sleep.
Contrary to the Columbia study, the researchers didn’t find that the
participants’ reward centers responded more strongly when they were sleepy.
Rather, they found that when participants were sleep-deprived, their brain
activity in the frontal lobe — the region that helps control behavior and
guides complex decision-making — was impaired. That suggests that sleepiness
hinders the brain from weighing the pros and cons and making smart decisions.
As far as food goes, that means going for tasty junk food instead of healthy
“We did not find significant differences following sleep deprivation in
brain areas traditionally associated with basic reward reactivity,” said lead
study author and graduate student Stephanie Greer in a statement. “Instead, it
seems to be about the regions higher up in the brain, specifically within the
frontal lobe, failing to integrate all the different signals that help us
normally make wise choices about what we should eat.”
The differences in findings between the two studies could be chalked up
to the extent of the sleep deprivation, Dr. Michelle Miller, a sleep
researcher at the University of Warwick Medical School in the U.K., told CNN. The
sleepy participants in the Columbia study at least got to sleep four hours a
night, while those in the Berkeley experiment had no sleep whatsoever. Both
impaired decision-making and increased pleasure-seeking may play a role in food
cravings, said Miller, but higher-order impairments may become more pronounced
with lack of sleep.
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