
Friday, October 26, 2012

Israelis build smart phone for the blind

Israelis built a smart phone for those visually impaired, according to reports.

The chipmaker, Qualcomm, has announced the development of a new special mobile phone for the visually impaired. The smart phone, called Ray, has been developed by Qualcomm, in association with Project Ray, which designs accessibility tools for people with visual disabilities.

The device has a user interface specifically designed for the Qualcomm Snapdragon smart phone, which, with the help of gestures and sounds, allows people with visual disabilities use the smart phone with ease.
"The user interface breakthrough, defines a new language for the interaction between the blind and the product that is built on an eye free operation," said Boaz Zilberman, CEO of Project Ray.

According to its manufacturer, when a user touches any part of the screen it becomes the starting point for the selection of an audio book, messaging, or other activity. Navigation is possible by a simple finger movement in different directions. The phone's built-in capabilities of vibration and voice messages provide the user with information. The user interface learns to adapt to the behavior of users based on their preferences and usage patterns.

The Project Ray Qualcomm smart phone will allow users to access information and entertainment on the go for those who previously had to rely on other media such as books and CDs. Israel Central Library for the Blind has created the specific content for these devices, and apart from providing the content for the devices, users can download more content to their own libraries.
"We believe the device of Ray project will increase the capacity of the blind and visually impaired to access resources and information independently," Don Rosenberg, executive vice president and general counsel of Qualcomm said.
Although details about their availability is scarce for now, the Project Ray website is showing the availability of the device on November 20.

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