
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Israeli students bicycle across the U.S. to fight cancer

Several Israelis concluded a bicycle ride across the U.S. in order to fight cancer, according to reports.

Two Israeli students completed a 3,100 mile bike ride in the U.S., from Los Angeles to New York in three months. The raised $100,000 in order to help fight cancer.

Ido Aharoni, Israel's General Consul in New York held a welcome reception in New York when they arrived. Tom Peled, 25, started off the trip. "My father died of cancer after eight years of a hard and heroic struggle. For me this was a way out of this crisis and to clear my mind. I went on a bike trip for three months from Berlin to Spain. As a result of the trip I've decided to reach out to others who have gone through similar experiences and get them involved in something positive," Peled said.

Peled recruited his friend Roey Peleg, 27, a combat soldier in an elite unit of the IDF and triathlon participant and together the two organized the ride. “Last June we raised NIS 40,000 or about $10,500 for cancer research.” 
Three months ago, the two landed in Los Angeles and along with two other students, were on their way to New York, stopping at Jewish communities along the way, holding talks and raising funds for the cause.
"This is not the end but the beginning of something bigger. After returning to Israel we plan a local bike trip, and next year we plan to cross the U.S. from north to south along the east coast from New York to Florida," he said.

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