
Thursday, October 25, 2012

American Couples Having Trouble Sleeping: Survey

In theory, sleeping next to a warm body can provide feelings of comfort, safety and security. But in practice, maybe one bed partner is a snorer, or a couple can't agree on the temperature of the bedroom or one sleeper is always hogging the covers.

In fact, one in four people say they sleep better alone than in bed with their partner, according to a recent survey from the Better Sleep Council. The survey was conducted in September, and asked more than 500 Americans age 18 or older and in a committed relationship how -- and how well -- they slept.

Most of the survey respondents, 85 percent, reported at least some trouble sleeping, including a partner who tosses and turns or snores, a bedroom that is too hot or too cold or an uncomfortable mattress. But women were found to be more sensitive to their sleep surroundings than men, with only 12 percent saying they have no trouble sleeping, compared with 20 percent of men who said the same.

So what's a bed-sharing couple to do? If snoring is the big problem, avoiding alcohol before bed and having the offending partner sleep on his or her side might help. Couples who argue over the thermostat might try each using their own blankets. Others might try out sleeping in separate beds or bedrooms. Or maybe you just have to get creative. The Better Sleep Council asked for the craziest things people have done to avoid sleep problems with their partners. 

Huffington Post
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