
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Getting Kids Ready For the New School Year

The summer holidays are winding down gradually. It is also a reminder to parents that their kids and wards would soon be heading back to school. Having taken a long time off school, it is, therefore, important that we ease the little ones back to school gradually. This will help in preparing them for the mental challenge ahead, easing them out of the holiday spirit. The following tips are to help parents and kids make that much needed transition from holiday mood to academic mood.

  • Check whether the school supplies like uniforms, shoes/sandals used previously are still in good order. Check whether there are any repairs needs to be done. If necessary, buy new supplies. Remember do not over spend on supplies. They may outgrow them soon
  • Check that the school bags are appropriate enough for the next class’ requirements. If you are getting backpack, please see our earlier tips on backpack
  • Remember to take in your kid’s interests while doing the shopping as his tastes matters because he is the one to use them. Sometimes, little things like colour of a bag can put them in a bad mood for schooling
  • If your child is moving from his old school to another, it would be necessary to visit the new school and familiarize yourself with the basics of safety, security and academics there
  • Obtain the school calendar from the school and make sure you mark the school’s big days, and make efforts to attend
  •  Engage your kids in discussions on what to expect when school reopens
  • Try to get them back into studying, especially if they have been traveling during the summer
  • Reset the rules of engagement in the house, e.g. time to sleep, time for waking up, breakfast, etc. This should be done at least 1 week before school resumption
  • Remind the kids what are expected from them during the school days – issues around getting to school early, attending all classes, doing their homework etc.
  • Above all, make the transition as natural as possible and don't look harassed and overwhelmed 

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